My understanding is that Trump has explained to RFK Jr. that he failed to follow through with his request for guidance about vaccines due to feeling bombarded in appointing his Cabinet. Similarly, he might acknowledge to the public that he felt pressured to endorse Operation Warp Speed and failed to insist on independent evaluation by scientists without conflicts of interest. Had he taken time to appoint unbiased researchers he would have recognized that he was being set up to endorse an agenda established more than a decade earlier. I believe that since the American citizens are weary and leery after decades of insidious governmental corruption, since Trump will have the benefit of RFK Jr's depth of understanding of this corruption, and since Americans wish to rescue their Republic.....Trump's acknowledgement that he was blindsided would enhance his trustworthiness.

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Would allow people to get to the Voting Booth with a better feeling in voting for him if he forced his poor, insecure ego to the side and came out to speak the truth.

Never have felt so torn in voting for anybody as in this Election even though it's clear

it's NOT free or fair.

The Fraud/Cheat is oiled and primed to install more Uniparty Nazi's into the already CORRUPTED D.C. Sewer and this time...Though the woman is an ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION; she at least has consciousness, and it would be believable should she win even though TOTALITARIAN without any ethics, morals or decency in any way.

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