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BRICS was created and planned by the same BIS owned outright by the Rothschilds (By the way, their real name isn't Rothschild), with Central Banker Family Cartel out of The City of London and Basel since WWI. Goldman-Sachs has actually carried out the plan using U.S. Retirement and Capital as the Seed Money. Anybody believing the Bankers to be divided on two opposing sides are as STUPID as those confused to believe there are two Political Parties in the Natural Territory of The United States as well as D.C. when it is fact...THERE IS ONLY ONE DEMONIC U.N. NAZI UNIPARTY with each playing its

ROLE . All of life is indeed a STAGE exactly as Shakespeare claimed.

Any way anybody wants to slice it...THE CROWN CORPORATION AND BANKERS OUT OF THE CITY OF LONDON AND BASEL WITH THE OLD CORPORATISTS OF THE BRITISH EAST INDIA TRADING COMPANY NOW KNOWN AS THE COMMONWEALTH ARE THE POISONOUS DEMONS RUNNING THE WORLD. In the end, The Black Nobility and China/CCP will seek to grab all and will eat one another up...We have a distance to go to get to that phase and it could eat the whole world up from the inside out exactly as happening in North America right now.

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