Trump is compromised, out of the picture as far as I'm concerned.

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when the PREP ACT falls they are ALL gonna HANG...get your popcorn ready!

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I hope so anyway.

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Well, you are wrong.

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I disagree.

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Are u a troll ?

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Who me? No, I just think Trump was threatened into doing the pandemic and might have made a deal to go for the digital ID as well. He never opposed vax passports or mandates to my knowledge. He's damaged goods, I'm afraid. RFK, Jr. knows the score and is holding up under incredible pressures so far. Biden won't even give him Secret Service protection when RFK, Jr. is beating him in the polls!

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I like him, but an RFK presidency would just be Trump's first term again. The administrative state would steamroll him. Trump, on the other hand, will go in on day 1 with the gloves off.

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I think RFK would stand a far far better chance than did Trump in his first term. His family is deeply enmeshed in DC and because of past assassinations, he knows all too well how the permanent state actors play. I would imagine he has many trusted well connected insiders who are fighting the good fight. Trump likely had zero. Kennedy understands the machinations of the deep/permanent state far better than Trump will ever realize, is my guess, which makes his chances of creating some actual change far better.

That's just my dumb ass opinion, of course.

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Catherine Ann Fitts says we can’t count on the central government at all, must protect ourselves at the state and local levels.

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Yes, she is correct (Austin not Ann btw). She uses the term "Mr. Global" for a reason - this is all so very much bigger than a president or US politics. The endgame/goal is the same regardless of who or what party is in power. The puppet masters are in control.

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Unfortunately, it's going to get worse before it gets better. I think that the first order of business would be for Trump to expose the truths of the JFK assassination.

The hopes would be for it to be a Red Pill for those of us in America in denial, though it's likely it'll be a black one that will lead to the total collapse in trust of our government both here and abroad (as if that's not happened already). I think that the chaos that we have seen for the last 8 years has been orchestrated. To what level and by who, we will likely never know.

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My condolences.

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I’m losing so many colleagues to cancer since Covid. I also lost a brother and 1st cousin and now wonder if my ex husband was also jabbed as he died of glioblastoma 3/31/21.

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Glioblastoma, once rear is becoming more common. My friends daughter lost her boy friend to what they called glioblastoma four months after his second poison prick.

Interesting thing is they excised what they could get of the tumor so you know it went to pathology for examination. There was no mention of glioblastoma on his death certificate.

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GBM's are never completely resected. It's a death sentence despite "gross total resection", followed by radiation, Temodar and Optune. It's likely many death certificates were purposely misleading in this age of safe and effective.

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I am sorry to hear of this loss; it sounds like perhaps quite a young person, too, which is extremely sad. My father and best friend both died of glioblastoma, one in 2009 and one in 2015. What DID the death certificate you mention record as cause of death?

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The death cert did not identify cancer... Which was very interesting because they told him it was cancer and they treated him with chemo... The death cert says it was an unspecified tumor... Which was bullshit... They excused what they could get of it so for sure it went to pathology for examination... What was the result????

I don't have access to his medical records but I wish I did

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It is so ghastly that *everything* related to stats, record keeping, definitions, etc., etc. seems to now be up for grabs, essentially. So much of the crisis and chaos is engineered.

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I knew three older sisters all died of cancer within weeks of diagnosis and after jabs. Their tribe paid all willing members 500$ for every jab they took. Pushing them at every turn! Imagine your own tribe taking money to kill your own people! Between the jabs and fentanyl this tribe is being decimated. So so terrible!😢

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Very sad. It was doctors too.

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Wow, that’s terrible.

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When he said “warp speed”, that wa a CLUE to stay away as anyone with a brain should have known it takes YEARS to develop what was thought to be remotely “safe” vaccines.

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the shots are a DOD PRODUCT...

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those shots were made LONG before trump entered the scene...his mistake (and giveaway) was reinforcing the PREP ACT and he KNOWS IT...


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He had to play along and give clues so thinking people would stay away

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No, he didn't need to play along. A true leader would have risked taking a bullet to the head. This was the biggest crime against humanity in recorded history. If you can't take the heat, get out the kitchen.

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You have a point. Could also be a bit of "conformity above all" -- lemming-like behavior, total brainwashed commitment to the Party.

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I showed these cancer results in an Op-ed back in February (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/are-covid-19-vaccine-induced-cancers-rare-events-806312db). I added some mechanisms for cancer development in an August Op-ed (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/is-the-covid-19-vaccine-a-bioweapon-c778c1d4), and identified myriad carcinogens other than the vaccine in a July Op-ed (https://www.trialsitenews.com/a/how-well-is-the-american-worker-protected-against-carcinogens-f84b87de).

While some of these Op-eds mentioned the potential role of contaminants in the COVID-19 vaccines (especially DNA contaminants) in cancer development, there was insufficient time and data to do a more detailed analysis. Recently, there was an outstanding presentation by Dr. Phillip Buckhaults (University of South Carolina) to the SC Senate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEWHhrHiiTY). He focused on DNA contaminants his lab found in vials of COVID-19 DNA, and the possibility that DNA could enter the cells of the recipients and integrate with their DNA. His testimony seems to confirm the findings of Keven McKernan on the presence of DNA contamination in the vials, and the potential for integrating with human DNA (https://rumble.com/v2owij0-why-the-covid-mrna-vaccines-are-actually-dna-gene-therapies-that-must-be-re.html). Increased cancer from the contaminant DNA entering the cell could be possible as well; more data is required.

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Yes, the Buckhaults testimony is great. I covered Kevin McKernan's stuff in August https://elliottmiddleton.substack.com/p/genetic-contaminants-in-the-vax .

My view has always been that the clot shots are bad sh*t in many different ways, and that Dr. McCullough is right that all mRNA products should be withdrawn immediately.

Instead, we have a government that is promoting the clot shots for Americans six months old and up ... which is outright genocide.

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"we have a government that is promoting the clot shots for Americans six months old and up ... which is outright genocide."

I view it as a combination of genocide and assisted-suicide. The information about the damage from the shots has been out over 2.5 years, yet many people can't wait to be first in line for the new shots. Much of that can't be attributed to ignorance. I know many people who have received copious information about the potential damage, are highly educated, yet continue to insist that the shots are beneficial. There has been a sea change in what Americans have been willing to accept from the government in the last fifty years. What happened to the Americans who dumped the tea into the Boston Harbor because of a slight tax increase, the rag-tag band of Americans who crossed the Delaware and surprised the Hessians at Trenton under the most harsh conditions, the Marines who defended Wake Island under the the most unimaginable conditions? Instead, we are behaving like the Americans who drank the Kool-Aid at Jonestown 1979 because some leader instructed us to. The students who took over campuses and shut schools down because they disagreed with US policy in Vietnam now meekly roll up their sleeves for an injection of some unknown substance. At this point, "we" need to accept some of the blame because we are allowing this to continue.

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I don't see the changes in the general population you see. Re Vietnam, I was there, draft number 9, so that was disappointing! Those who opposed the war may have taken an anti-government stance, but weren't really rebels. Anti-war was the popular position among their peers. Not being anti-war would have made them outcasts, so they were actually conforming. Sheeple then, as now.

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The kids supposed to war because of the draft.

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My opinion: Not worth much, but I think the "flu shots" were also full of nasty stuff, which were just part of an early-planned take over by the medical/industrial machinery set in place many many years ago. Anytime one injects foreign -non-biological junk into the biologically balanced system, things have a tendency to go hay-wire. Further, the "balance" that I speak of is at its tipping point, in many lives, since the "food" quality is so compromised, an the other necessities (water, exercise, sunshine and air) are also tainted, so the body is off fighting that war and has much difficulty when an injectable is introduced.

And remember: The incentive to call anything and everything a "Covid" effect, was off the charts, and so numbers cannot reflect reality. That's pretty obvious.


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My condolences.

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In America, BEFORE they rolled out the new warp speed death jabs, the lifetime risk of cancer was 50%! However, if you remained entirely unvaccinated, your risk of cancer dropped below 0.1%.

The argument that the covid jabs didn't substantially increase the risk of cancer is hysterical given the evidence we now see. But I am still wondering why anyone finds a pre-existing 50% lifetime risk of cancer from the older vaccines ACCEPTABLE?

So now the "warp speed" death jabs are MUCH faster at producing deadly cancers, and the counter (pharma) argument is that since vaccines have always caused a staggering amount of cancer in humans, we shouldn't be upset about this catastrophic, covid-jab-caused, epidemic of new "turbo cancers" being diagnosed?????? Wow. Just wow.

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Great info and extrapolations. I was struck by the data that showed there was a record number of flu shots administered in the Flu Season of 2019-2020 (pre-official Covid). From my research, I know Influenza Like Illness (ILI) cases/outbreaks in America were "severe" and "widespread" in the months BEFORE the novel coronavirus was said to have reached America.

This data shows that that the 2019-2020 Flu Shot clearly didn't stop people from getting the flu or a flu-like illness. But I also wonder if the flu shot itself might have had something to do with the number of "Covid cases." I'd also like to know how many flu shots were administered the following year (the 2020-2021 flu season). My hypothesis/theory is that the flu shots of the SECOND year of Covid might have had something to do with the massive spike in alleged Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

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Also, a couple of my subscribers report that the type of flu shot administered in 2019-2020 was significantly DIFFERENT than previous flu shots. I imagine/assume the next year's flu shot was also different than the flu shots given between 2008 to 2018.

I personally only know three people who allegedly died from Covid. These were three ladies (ages 70, 80 and 81) who all died between November 2020 and January 2021 (when we had a huge pike in hospitalizations and deaths "from Covid.") I strongly suspect all three had recently had that year's flu shot. Also, people who got the new flu shots (and then got sick) can also "shed" virus and thus might have made some people sick who didn't get the flu shot.

I wish some study looked at the "Covid fatalities" of 2020-2021 and told us how many had also gotten that year's flu shot. But I don't think such a study will ever be done.

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The "Flu Shot" says it all in its name. Get the Flu Shot and get the flu.

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... for your losses.

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