Oh yes I was given a digital copy of "The Great Taking" a few weeks ago and DTCC has a prominent chapter. Meanwhile the Federal Resrrve and individual banks with any derivatives take priority over FDIC payouts. But taxpayers and depositors don't understand the situation coming soon. And Col MacGregor on u tube said on one of his broadcasts that the banking system will be shut down for 2 to 3 weeks. GET YOUR MONEY OUT now. The Federal Reserve will pick and choose what banks continue and what ones will be shut out.

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Yes, unfortunately your money is safest in the biggest banks. There's also Treasury Direct or T-bills in a brokerage account as they will avoid explicit default for as long as possible.

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Credit Unions are the safest place to bank now sir.

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I worked for the National Credit Union Administation and am a believer in "the credit union movement." However, we currently live in a fascist society where the big players do whatever they want and could squash the CUs if they wanted to. For store of value in the intermediate term, I still prefer Treasuries.

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SO credit unions are connected to Fed Reserve

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Not directly, but the Fed can influence them through reserve requirements and interest rates. With about 50% of their assets in real estate loans, they can be wiped out by increases in long term interest rates just like banks.

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Hi Elliott do credit unions have a reserve req now. I've read that the regular banks has a zero reserve req

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Wow. How is it possible that this isn’t a major media story?

Oh, I remember. The same people who told the SEC to conceal the problems own the media.

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I checked the SEC website and was able to download the files....see link below:


The reason October 9th is missing is that it was a Federal holiday....Columbus Day. The markets were closed on that day. If there is a specific code missing...would be good to have that.

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Hal Turner indicates his news is an allegation that some UBS bonds' records were simply deleted. However, he also corrects the notion that the reports were missing for several periods. He has issued an apology, which I second. His source apparently did not follow a move to a different page:

"UPDATE 12:19 PM EDT --

I have been corrected regarding the SEC info above, which is now struck-through.

The S.E.C. **moved** its Fail-to-deliver reporting to a different page on their website. The correct page is:


The SEC is **NOT** concealing the data. All of it is reported. I apologize for this error.

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