Mar 22Liked by Elliott Middleton

Re America’s population. Citizens were vaccinated. Illegals weren’t. Deagle 2025 shows a massive decrease in population anticipated by 2025 for the USA. I imagine that TPTB are hoping for a massive die off this summer of the multiple vaccinated due to turbo cancer unless they have some other nefarious plan up their sleeves.

I pray that the vaccinated saw the vaccine danger and worked to purge it from their system these past months.

Interesting but unbelievably troubling times we’re living thru. Who could have anticipated evil like this?

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The Apostle John foresaw something like this. It will take years for the effects of the "vaccines" to be known, if they even release the data required to know. The FDA's myocarditis report released by FOIA had every page redacted.

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Whatever...Mexico was a supporter of Hitler, too. Culture has always been a bit squirrley south of the Border and that's the reason the U.S. and Mexico can never truly be aligned. To actually life in Mexico City and South of Mexico City was once such a difference from the U.S.; Culture Shock was generally the result.

In the end, BRICS is a Central Banker's Plan cooked-up by Goldman-Sachs and it's simply to appear as a competition and Politicial Alignment just as the Commmunitarian Nazi Uniparty loyal to the U.N.

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