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Prior to 2020, there were actually closer to 50 million people living illegally in the United States. Now there are more than 60 million, accounting for the exacerbation of this crisis by the illegitimate, criminal Johammad Talibiden regime.

This number includes all the people given fraudulent visas and U.S. passports by duplicitous Marxists apparatchiks collecting government paychecks.

These invaders have in no way, shape or form followed proper procedures or complied with U.S. immigration law. Their presence in the United States is UNLAWFUL.

This is an INSULT and a SLAP IN THE FACE to all the legitimate legal immigrants who spent a small fortune and who waited for many years to obtain their U.S. citizenship.

When Trump is back in office, if he were to federalize all law enforcement and hire former LEOs and former military as effectively, bounty hunters to initiate immediate repatriations , it would take 1,250,000 deportations per month in the 2nd Trump Presidency to restore Rule of Law.

It’s would be a gargantuan undertaking, but it CAN and WILL be done.

As for the need for agricultural workers and other low-wage occupations that Americans (allegedly) refuse to do, going forward I favor a different approach which would entail essentially closing the southern border to all but traded goods (after the Mother of All Walls are completed on Mexico’s doorstep and on Canada’s doorstep, of course).

Central and South American nations have been actively, shamelessly complicit in the invasion of the United States. They have done everything possible to enable and facilitate illegal mass migration into our country in total violation of U.S. law…and they know it.

In addition they have actively colluded in the drug trade and in human trafficking, particularly child sex trafficking into our country. Fentanyl is killing hundreds of thousands of young Americans every year, enabled primarily by the Mexicans and the Chinese.

This behavior CANNOT and MUST NOT go unpunished. This is the behavior of ENEMY NATIONS.

No more crossing our border for work or schooling. No more access to our healthcare system. No more visas for any reason whatsoever. No more remittances from the United States. None. Nada. Those days are OVER.

There are many FRIENDLY nations whose citizens would be very eager to obtain a short-term work visa in the United States. For example, The Philippines. Many Filipinos speak English pretty well and are generally law-abiding citizens of their country.

The need for cheap labor in various U.S.-based industries can be fulfilled by workers from nations who do not exhibit contempt, disrespect and hatred toward the United States, American citizens and our Rule of Law. Some of these workers may go on to apply for citizenship the LEGAL WAY and our country would benefit from their contributions.

Latin America has shown its true ugly, hostile face. We must turn away and reject it. Permanently.

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