I agree with Kevin McKernan on this: too many sequences consistent with the basic spike protein bioweapon formulation. And I can tell you, as an unvaxxed person who had it, it wasn't the flu.

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The lethality of the virus was disproved by IFR studies in March 2020. I believe it is a real virus because as Kevin McKernan says, the genome was sequenced thousands of times all over the world; the spike protein has been studied clinically for its nasty endothelial properties; and finally, I'm unvaxxed and had it in 2022 and it is real (I had shortness of breath, myocarditis, and unbelievable aches all over--definitely not a flu).

The pandemic *was* fake, because they used fear to make people believe a relatively harmless virus for most people was highly lethal.

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Fantastic post Elliott. Thank you!

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Same here.

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"Covid-19" is not a real virus. The "pandemic" was a fake; they renamed the seasonal flu and called it a "pandemic," in order to lock down society, bring it "mail-in ballots," and then introduce the "vaccines" to do the sterilizing and killing. Let's stop pretending "covid" is actually a real virus, and let's stop pretending a future "pandemic" will be a real pandemic. A real "virus" and "pandemic" could also injure and kill the WEF elites; y0u can't control where a virus goes once it's out and about.

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Middleton is correct...Disease was real. WAS NOT A PANDEMIC...Easily treated early with viable drugs used for decades.

The International Mafia Cult most certainly WOULD release a horrid weapon IF they have a viable treatment FOR THEMSELVES AND THEIR OWN. Of course, treatment option would not be given to 'the people'.

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The "disease" wasn't (and isn't) real. It's the seasonal flu, renamed and rebranded.

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I had the virus in 2020. Damn near killed me. Note: I am chronologically gifted.

Prior I hadn’t had the flu in 18 years, ever since I started watching and managing my vitamin D level. During those years I whistled my way thru the flu seasons.

My vote on this virus/bioweapon. Seems to me it was real.

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Zeihan is too damn cock sure of himself and he obviously marinated at Stratfor way too long. He reminds me of the best and brightest that left academia to advise the government during Nan. They thought they had all the answers and the govt believed them because of their extensive academic credentials. We all know how that worked out.

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