Commercial Real Estate is not a good investment right now, but we keep building. Economical Systems have to work into their models the cost of disposing of these assets in an ethical way, otherwise every big city will be Wal-E world on day. Just mountains of scrap where nothing can grow.

In the Detroit area, we still have some plants that have stood idle for 50 years that have not been demolished. There are some who want to preserve them as landmarks, but they really need to go.

As the world shifts more and more back to a remote culture with less social engagement, not having the inevitable decay rationalized will cause collapse.

I appreciate how methodical the Japanese are with regard to this topic. They take down their large buildings one floor at a time and nothing goes to waste. It's something to see.

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Scary stuff - there will be a massive flow on effect through to the banking system and this is already underway. In the end commercial greed will come unstuck. The chickens are all coming home to roost

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Yes, this is the big problem on banks' balance sheets.

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