As Arab nations unite against Israel, many on the prophetic side of things warn that Netanyahu will nuke Iran using the “Sampson Option,” and this will finally provoke Russia into nuking Kyiv or taking other preemptive action to defeat the West by “escalating to deescalate,” which is an aspect of their nuclear policy.
Armstrong believes the Democrats will join in provoking WWIII because they look at history and see that no incumbent President has lost an election during wartime.
He also reiterates his cyclical theory that we are on the cusp of a failure of confidence in government and its debt-based money that will inevitably default. He speculates on what comes after the collapse of the Western republics—some form of direct democracy after 2032.
Hang on tight! It’s likely the evil ones will ignite WWIII, and there will be no election.
Have a restful day!