Waking up to the new supply chain realities
rare earth metals don't just come from exchanges in Antwerp and Hong Kong
Trump’s economic policy is shaping up to be a disaster and is driving other G7 nations into China’s arms.
Trump’s isolationist policies might be consistent with apparent Cabal goals of immiserating and depopulating Europe and the US. The loss of Russian energy has decimated Europe’s industries.
When tariffs fail to raise the living standards of American workers and, along with sanctions, fail to implode the Russian and Chinese economies, the Cabal Neocons will be left with no alternative to a hot war to fulfill their overriding objectives of genociding the Russian and Chinese ethnicities. See my pinned post for details.
The Neocons have been waiting for Russia and China to “collapse” due to their demographic weaknesses, and it just isn’t happening.
We don’t know how much the irredeemably evil Cabal will control the US Deep State and military apparatus under Trump. Trump will need to send some unambiguous signals that the Neocons are out of power and that he understands the real threats to the American people.
Failure to pull the mRNA “vaccines”—all of them—off the market will raise suspicions that he knew exactly what he was doing with Operation Warp Speed—administering a slow-kill anti-fertility drug to decimate the American population.
Big Pharma has more mRNA “vaccines,” all of them untested according to previous standards, ready to roll out for bird flu, influenza, or any of several other supposed agents of potential pandemics. The mRNA “vaccines” have been associated with waves of excess deaths and exploding rates of heart disease, cancer, and other ailments.
In this version of the Great Reset, Armageddon in West Asia (do your bit, Bibi!) cuts off China’s oil and induces mass starvation there. At the same time, Russia gets nuked after coming to Iran’s aid, as the Neocons have dreamed of doing for decades.
Then, the Cabal rules the world using a ChiCom-style technofeudalism. I adhere to this hypothesis of the Great Reset until proven otherwise.
We are not out of the woods yet by a long shot. Trump needs to show his true colors. If maintaining unipolar dominance is his goal, he will lead us into World War III’s hot phase. He needs to sue for peace with BRICS+ and China before it is too late to negotiate.
Pray for peace!