The Western Plutocrats leave themselves no other option than war...
with their intentional destruction of "globalism," managed free trade with the rest of the world
This is another hard-hitting report from Kevin Walmsley at “Inside China Business” on how American companies are being frozen out of the boom in the BRICS+ nations.
The West must pursue peaceful trade with the rest of the world or, in their diseased minds, be backed into a corner where the only alternative (TINA) is to destroy Russia and China militarily—which, frankly, has been the plan all along. Read my pinned post (below) for some of the history.
Will the West ever repent? Or will the Western Plutocrats lash out in ever-more futile attempts to push Russia and China into total economic and demographic collapse?
If elected, will Trump be able to stop the Neocons, or has the election already been decided for Kamala, as two highly accurate remote viewing groups have recently found?
Pray for peace!