As war begins in the Middle East, keep in mind that Obama sent Iran hundreds of millions of dollars on pallets in a C130.
The WEF Plutocrats are financing both sides.
As I have written many times, the end goal is probably to cut off China’s oil supply, their Achilles heel. And, of course, to justify nuking Russia, a dream of the Neocons, most of whom have an ethnic hatred of Russians, who, after 70 years of Communism, have a problem with Bolshevik Jews.
Inside China Business continues to expose China’s strategic strengths in the bifurcated world order created by the WEF Neocons. China has a commanding lead in the supply chains and refining of critical minerals needed in the new green era and in the scientific and engineering talent required to advance in these areas.
The Neocons/WEF/Western Plutocrats seem intent on trashing their crib while annihilating Russia and China.
They plan to come out on top, lords in a techno-neo-feudalist world.
In my mind, the mystery is whether American politicians, from Obama on, all sold out to China under pressure from the Plutocrats and money from China, and the original intent of trashing the West was for China’s benefit as part of their plan to impose “Communism” on the world.
Tim Walz and Kamala recently snapped a dual selfie in front of a Communist flag at a school in Minnesota. They are the very definition of “useful idiots.”
I hypothesize that the Great Reset started as a cooperative effort between the WEF Plutocrats and the CCP to “take the West down a notch” (for Communist equity) and install Chinese-style techno-tyranny on the world, but that sometime during the pandemic the WEF Plutocrats decided to double-cross the CCP and take China down along with Russia, as I suggested in my pinned post. The double-cross will be revealed if the Satanists manage to cut off China’s oil with the war in the Middle East.
China receives a trillion USD equivalent annually for supplying the BRICS+ with needed agricultural equipment, EVs, medicines, and manufactured goods. They are the largest trading partner of over a hundred countries. As “Inside China Business” points out, the relationships China is developing with these nations run deep. The US is exporting weapons and death.
“Inside China Business” attributes China’s miraculous rise since 1990 to only one thing, and it’s not the CCP—which most Chinese would like to get rid of. This is a re-post of a much-watch video.
Pray for peace! Pray that the good people of China will prevail over the CCP and make their intentions plain to the world. Pray that Edgar Cayce was correct in the prophecy that China would become “the cradle of Christianity.”
Those of God do understand evil as sin is within all.
Patterns of evil do not change except with scale, intensity, frequency and it is for this reason evil becomes VAPIDLY PREDICTABLE,
Those NOT with God do not understand those of God; nor any of the blessings or fruit of the Holy Spirit. Evil does NOT and cannot understand God, however it must adhere to God's order.