The big picture: the trade war may lead to world war
unfortunately, China has little economic interest in investing in America
China’s exports to the US are 3 percent of its GDP and 16 percent of its total exports, which total about $3.51 trillion annually, for a $1 trillion annual trade surplus.
China is the largest trading partner of 120 countries, most of which are in the Global South. There, it can invest its trade surplus in capital projects with low-cost labor to engender a rising middle-class market for its goods.
China can replace the demand from the US market over time. And, as Kevin Walmsley of “Inside China Business” argues in the video below, investing in the US is a risky proposition for anyone, not just the Chinese, given the recidivist protectionist sentiments of American politicians.
US policy, increasingly based on sanctions, tariffs, and financial system bullying implemented through what remains of the SWIFT system, is alienating the rest of the world, including “allies” (that we have screwed) such as Germany.
Donald Trump’s isolationist policies will ultimately make him a shill for the Western Plutocrats and their henchmen, the Neocons, as the only way to “win” using those strategies will be to decimate the competition.
Trump will do what Israel commands, which will oh-so-coincidentally involve cutting off China’s oil supply.
The US election is a non-event from the Controllers' point of view.
Hence, we wait for Bibi to start the Middle East fake Armageddon to cut off China’s oil supply as they teeter on the brink of deflationary and demographic collapse. Why? Because global depopulation is part of the unspeakably evil Western Plutocrats’ agenda. They want a world war to cull the global population. This hypothesis makes sense of recent developments since 2020, in my opinion.
Here is a Cyrus Janssen video on China racing to achieve energy independence and defend itself. China is taking the lead in nuclear technology.
Pray for peace! Tell your elected representatives you don’t want war!