As we await the Cabal/WEF/Western Plutocrats’ next pre-election move, I will restate my central thesis:
The Western Plutocrats fell in love with the methods of “the Chinese miracle,” namely “socialism with Chinese characteristics,” a tightly controlled society using totalitarian surveillance combined with a social credit scoring system and digital money (with all the conveniences and control implied by that);
In some secret hob-nobbing of the Plutocrats in Asia and the West early in the century, it was agreed to have a pandemic to “take the West down a peg” for equity reasons, including poisoning them with “vaccines” that were at once lethal to a significant number of people and damaging to reproductive health for many more (China was not required to use the mRNA vaccines, their population already being in demographic collapse);
At some point in the early 2020s, the Western Plutocrats reverted to an old Cold War plan they had lying on the shelf to take down both Russia and China, as both are in precarious demographic situations and to double-cross the CCP in the initial agreement to impose cooperative CCP-style “Communism” on the world. Instead, they have elected to start a world war (using some twisted pseudo-religious beliefs about the Apocalypse) that will result in the destruction of Russia and China as viable states. This will leave the Western Plutocrats on top of a CCP-style techno-neo-feudalist world with a substantially diminished population.
The Biden-Harris regime is making clear that the health and welfare of the American people is not their concern. With the assistance of the UN and many shadily-funded NGOs, they have induced a disruptive invasion of illegal immigrants and plan to let them vote in the Presidential election to steal it. As Elon Musk points out, some 14 states have passed laws making it illegal to ask to see the ID of someone voting. This is legitimized fraud, as Musk points out.
The missing piece to this puzzle is how the Western Plutocrats intend to contain Russia and especially China—even as they demolish the economies of Europe and America. By process of elimination, we can deduce that they intend to wage hot war upon Russia and China, as their sanctions and Ukrainian proxy war are failing, and China is generating trillion-dollar trade surpluses annually and locking up supply chains with nations in the global South.
I am posting the video below to give you a sense of what it is like in China today. Yes, they are climbing out of a real estate collapse, youth unemployment is massive, very few people are starting families, and there is untold corruption in the CCP, but the Chinese people are relatively happy.
In previous posts, I have reported on survey results of Chinese on how they view their electronic handcuffs (the social credit system with digital money). The apparently reliable results are that 80 percent like it, saying that it reduces cheating and promotes social cohesion.
Perhaps only the Chinese could see it that way. The SCS controls Chinese citizens’ ability to travel, attend school, buy certain items, and much more through digital money and rules set by unelected CCP bureaucrats. Unless we stop it, that is what the Western Plutocrats have in mind for us.
The great unanswered question of the current geopolitical situation, in my mind, is: Why didn’t the Chinese use the mRNA vaccines? Did they know they were poisonous? Was there an agreement with the Western Plutocrats to reduce the population of those land-grabbing Caucasians (as the Western Plutocrats consider themselves exempt from such considerations)?
If so, the CCP must be eliminated, and China must embrace freedom, including freedom of religion, which I believe has underpinned Western innovation since the Reformation. The CCP is stuck in a Stalinist quagmire in which the people are expected to worship the ruler (as many Russians did worship Stalin). The persecution of Falun Gong and the Christians worshipping in house churches is telling. China needs to evolve spiritually and eliminate the CCP. The spirit of Marxism is evil.
To repeat: the only way to explain the behavior of the Western Deep State, now wholly controlled by the Cabal/WEF/Plutocrats, is to conclude that they plan to destroy Russia and China militarily, with a cutoff of oil from the Middle East to China being their well-advertised “kill shot,” with a nuclear strike on Russia, as there is no European army that can take on the Russians.
Pray for peace! Do not underestimate the evil in the world! Harris and Walz are puppets of the Plutocrats!
The video below is ridiculously propagandistic but sincere, and the picture is accurate. For the actual state of China’s demography, see my previous posts on China.
Of course, China says it doesn’t want to be a hegemon. But it is only its method that differs. It is not military; it is via trade. “The guest becomes the owner.”