Yesterday, Martin Armstrong sent a link to his private blog, “The Winds of War Are Blowing.” I could not connect to the blog for hours, and when I got there, the post was missing. He later sent out a post indicating that his site had come under a distributed denial of service attack and that he had been forced to remove the post.
The Cabal likes to amplify crises. As we are on the cusp of the steep descent into recession, why not assassinate the Republican candidate? And why not start a major conflagration in the Middle East when that fails? I expect Netanyahu to do this, whether the US nominally supports it or not.
Of course, we also have Bill and Melinda Gates’ “pandemic number two” to look forward to.
In the meantime, the economic war between China and the US will make the citizens of both countries—and the rest of the world—poorer.
The purpose of the crisis will soon be to make a digital ID mandatory. X will soon become the American WeChat and implement a social credit system that will give new meaning to “freedom of speech but not of reach.”
All the elites of developed countries are moving toward this goal. We still don’t know the extent of the nanotechnology involved, but suffice it to say that if you take another “vaccine” for bird flu or whatever else they concoct, you have lost what remains of your mind.
Singaporean Sean Foo examines the Tax Foundation’s analysis of the potential effects of a Trump presidency—China’s trade surplus could be halved. Kevin Walmsley points out that the US is far behind China in most manufacturing and that tariffs will not solve the problem.
Do not comply! Give your heart to Jesus!
Pray for peace!